
Oklahoma City area, OK

Position Desired

Other Healthcare Administration
Oklahoma City area, OK


Visionary Strategic Thinker Motivational Leader

Objective: To team with leaders of all areas of a health related workforce to enable the successful building of a competitive, agile, creative and intelligent environment to assist those individuals in need who seek out services needed to benefit them in the betterment of their living situation. To focus on the career goals within the Health and Human Service Administration field to provide the views of such topics such as financial matters, regulatory and legal compliance, human resources, facilities and equipment, technology and public relations.

Key Strengths
➢ Ability to lead/succeed in a turn- around environment; gets the job completed.
➢ Management executive with a proven record of success.
➢ Serves as a leader to help and align the company practices that reflect the vision/core values.
➢ Strong motivator/coach by ensuring the success of those who seek assistance and guidance.
➢ Keen analytical skills, useful in discerning efficient/effective methods and processes.
➢ Ethical, exhibit high level of personal and corporate responsibility.
➢ Excellent business judgment, problem‑solving, project management skills.

Educational Background
Graduated­ Masters in Health and Human Service Administration‑University of Oklahoma, Norman, Ok, GPA: 3.5-May 2017
Graduated­ BAS in Interdisciplinary Studies/Management and Organization with a (Minor in Psychology), Cameron University, Lawton, OK. GPA: 2.8-May 2013
Graduated‑ AAS in Criminal Justice/Everest College Online, Tempe, AZ. GPA:3.34-October 2007.

Professional Experience
ASCOG-Managed Care Department
OKDHS Case Management 08/2016 - 3/2017

● Managing a case load of geriatric members who are on the Advantage Program to ensure they remain safe and secure in their homes and can live on their own with services that will enable them assistance that can prevent going into a nursing home.
● Completing the Service Plan, IDT and monthly home visits to ensure that all the members services are being correctly provided by the contractors to permit them to live on their own.
● Contacting and maintaining monthly phone contact and documenting the contacts to ensure the safety and wellbeing of the members is being up held.

TFI Family Connections, Inc.
Case Management/Foster Care Worker 07/2015 -8/2016
● Manages a caseload of foster care placements. Assess the needs for placements, safety and family strengths and needs and placement resources for the child and care provider/kinship providers.
● Seeks out new recruitment, trains and licenses all new care providers in Stephens and Comanche County ages 30 and over.
● Provides counseling for foster families ages 60 and over who struggle with foster children and anger aggression within the home and provide counseling services to both the home and the children to reintegrate the elderly foster home with the foster child to prevent a disruption.
● Provides medical services to foster families aged 60 and over for the home to remain healthy for the foster child in order to stay healthy while providing services to the child in the home.
● Coordinates new community resources for the benefit of children who are currently in the foster system.
● Coordinates with the Agency’s licensing staff to ensure that regulatory compliance is met by all foster caregivers have been met on a monthly and y early quota.
● Must meet the agency’s underwriting standards while d riving the agency vehicle and/or transporting clients and children.
● Advocates, promotes and practices cultural sensitivity and responsiveness in all day to day interactions with the caregivers and the children in care.
Tulsa Job Corps 4/2014 to 07/2015
Department of Labor
Case Management/Mid-Management
● Explaining the Job Corps program to low income youth and their elderly caregivers, aged 60 and over and assisting them in the enrollment process.
● Explaining the benefits and advantages of enrolling into a training program to avoid becoming homeless and uneducated.
● Enrolling applicants who are currently receiving Sooner‑Care and state benefits.
● Providing counseling services to youth and their elderly caregivers, aged 60 and over with weekly sessions in order to avoid disruption and conflict and helping them to avoid negative influences.
● Carrying a caseload on a weekly/monthly basis and providing social services and counseling services to the youth and their elderly caregivers, aged 60 and over. Meeting with the youth and their caregiver, aged 60 and over once a week to discuss the behavior modification case plan that was created at the beginning of enrollment and to see if the youth was following and improving.
● Providing youth and their elderly caregivers, aged 60 and over with social services such as food, clothing and shelter to avoid being homeless and hungry.

The Geo Group­ Lawton Correctional Facility 10/2013 ‑3/2014
Case Management/Case Manager
● Provided daily and weekly counseling for elderly inmates, aged 60 and over to avoid conflicting situations within the facility.
● Provided social services such as temporary clothing and bathing accessories for the inmates, aged 60 and over.
● Holding weekly counseling sessions with elderly inmates when a conflicting issue arises to avoid conflict within the individual houses and teaching them how to learn conflict resolution.
● Provided social services such as crisis intervention, case management, healthcare and release‑planning services for the elderly inmates, aged 60 and over.
● Met with the pre‑release elderly inmates, aged 60 and over to provide them with social services such as pre‑release housing to the half‑ way house, training/educational requirements, behavior requirements and payout requirements.
● Counseled with elderly inmates, aged 60 and over about h ow to handle life on the outside and how to handle the stress that will come with being released.
● Carrying a caseload of more than 300 inmates per month.
● Complete paperwork intake on new arrivals on a weekly basis.
● Case management for folders on the inmate per assessment reviews.
● Attending weekly brief outs to assess inmate danger factors ranges.

Department of Human Services 5/2013‑9/2013
Child Welfare Investigator
● Investigating cases of child abuse and neglect.
● Managing a caseload of clients and offering social services to individuals ranging in age from 18 to the elderly patients who are over 60 years of age ‑services that were offered and provided included housing, medical, counseling, food, clothing and financial counseling servic...

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